As the vast Milky Way arrow rain falls, even the players avoid it. Fortunately, these arrows identify the fierce beasts, but it is also a false alarm. However, splashing around can still be offensive. Everyone hurriedly evades the heart arrow technique and merges in one place, creating a powerful force by diving from the sky, which is equivalent to a missile. One arrow can penetrate their solid bodies!


Even if these forces forget the dust, they are all shocked, but then the players in the crowd exclaim, "I lost the mowing monster!" ! !”
When people realized that these ancient tombs were falling down one by one, they suddenly remembered that they had come here. If there were no monsters, why not knit?
Just thinking of this, the players immediately looked around and found that the monster was already dead.
But astute players also immediately thought of the other side, that is
"Don’t worry, everyone, there are five waves of murderers in total. This is only the first wave. It is still a hard battle to finish solving this battle, and every time you break the monster from the seal, it will become stronger and stronger."
"Get ready for the second batch of monsters to strike again in ten minutes. We are running out of time to consolidate the battlefield! !” General Feipeng also immediately made a humble but detached front appear in front of them in less than five minutes.
General Tianlong has not been idle during this period, and the soldiers of the ranks and shields have entered the meditation and skill front before the commanding long-distance occupation.
At the same time, General Tianlong also warned the players that they would launch a fierce attack with firepower and ensure that the attack would not hurt them, which was accurate and would not cause inconvenience to the players.
It’s not that players don’t know everything. This is a battlefield. No matter how strong their personal ability is, it’s just to boost morale. If they don’t have the ability to control the war situation, they should try their best to find a way. After the last round of fighting, they have a different view on hunting fierce beasts in ancient tombs. They are not only experienced, but also can explode some equipment. It’s not just like giving them money.
At one time, everyone hoped for more of this beast tide. At this moment, they seem to have forgotten the words of General Tianlong that the monster will gradually become more and more powerful.
"Come ready to fight! !”
At the same time, when General Tianlong gave the order to forget the dust, he also found a strong breath of life. He couldn’t help looking at the direction of the ancient tomb, where the turbid smoke filled with powerful beasts, and they released a roar that was so unwilling.
Breaking through the ground, opening the maw, and thousands of wild animals attacked.
"kill! !”
Players are crazy about killing sex and rush out. With the deafening killing of General Tianlong on the other side, the magic profession is released! !”
At that moment, there were many more croons on the battlefield. This is the magic singing sound that drifted from small to large. Finally, Lang Lang was heard in the ears. Just when the murderer was fighting, the whole monster circle suddenly lit up with a strange magic circle. Players were surprised and the fierce beasts were shocked.
"Inflammation! Crematorium! !”
This is actually the coagulation of thousands of wizards at the same time to draw out the spell-level skills. At that time, the helium battlefield password, the thick smoke and hot flames swept away the beast’s life
Of course, just one blow is not enough to take away their lives, but it happened that the players were not affected by skill attacks, and even forgot the dust and killed 100 people. At this moment, his name is still 10,000!
If we know that there are still several batches of monsters in this situation, we should try our best to get into the top 1000, but not everyone thinks so.
The monster that just rushed to the front in the fight has been cleared, and now a fire has rushed to the front of the battlefield again! !
Yan, who killed a lot of monsters with his own strength, forgot to dust and felt that I’m afraid it was less than a thousand, but now he’s only a hundred years old, and the ranking of this goods should be very high.
Actually, it’s not Gao Chiyan, who is currently ranked first in the log.
Although everyone knows his ranking but doesn’t clear others, it is enough for Yan to keep the first momentum at the moment, and now his performance on the battlefield is also very eye-catching
"I don’t know the fire! !”
"Phoenix dance! !”
The fire condensed into a phoenix shape, just like the flaming firebird. The fire burned the whole ground and the fierce beasts let out a cry and wail! !
Yan’s way of fighting is very cruel, but it is understandable. After all, monsters and human bodies fight and kill each other like natural enemies, which is like nature! !
"Is that guy Yan in East China?"
"Ah, just a pushy guy."
"Hehehe, it should be an idiot, right? There are five batches of beast tide, and he will still hold on after he runs out of physical strength?" Compared with many envious eyes, there are so many wise people who really fight, and they no longer want to retreat and win at this time. Now the best way is to keep forbearing and protect their strength.
The wise and the strong can observe this battlefield at will, so that the real masters can fight with the simplest attack method, while those fanatics who want to show off are the ones who try their best to exert their own specialties, not only exposing their skills to the public, but also letting people see clearly the physical limit or his fighting ability.
Forgetting the dust at this point, I have been observing that Baifeng is still a hand blade, black and sharp, which is a bit too overbearing, but the little girl of the beautiful woman seems to have started to release the ability of ice constantly in a ranking. Good, at the moment, the beautiful woman ranks in the top ten and her number is one hundred and ninety.
It’s not those who want to show off who really care about forgetting dust. There is such a man in the crowd who caught his attention! !
He is dressed in white like snow, which is even more shocking. He is free from monsters, but he can drop blood without touching his body. The sword in his hand will inevitably take away the monster’s life, and compared with other players, he can easily defeat his opponent in front of him.
The mystery of his posture is even more serious than swordsmanship. I’m afraid he has had it compared with the moon wound, but who is this man?
I thought about it for a long time, but I always felt so familiar with it, but I never remembered that the white dress floated and forgot the dust. I actually saw that God’s guy’s sword was the key, and he was obsessed with forgetting the dust and suddenly turned back. They seemed to look at each other through all the obstacles in front of him.
The white man showed a faint smile and forgot the dust, but he showed a dignified face. At this time, a vicious little bss around him attacked and forgot the dust. When he turned around, his hand ran through his body and crushed his heart! ! !
Seeing this, the white man smiled and suddenly accelerated the sword in his hand, just like forgetting the dust in provocation! ! !
Chapter three hundred and thirty-one Bai Shura
Elegant long hair, snow-dyed white clothes, silver sword shining like a sharp weapon, forgetting the dust, eyes can almost see each other’s every subtle move, which is why he thinks this man is terrible! ! !
No matter whether it’s a sword or a step, it’s exquisite and has completely eliminated the redundant movement. Almost every move and every style has been streamlined to no redundant movement, fast, accurate and ruthless! !
Even these three words are French-shaped white men’s tentacles, flowing pace and absolute accuracy of fencing, almost a sword and a corpse! !
Who is this man? This is the heart of forgetting the dust. Unfortunately, he can hide his information and forget the dust, but he dare not rashly check it. However, during the battle, he paid special attention to this white swordsman
A man who has almost had swordsmanship with the moon wound has never thought of who it is even if he forgets the dust! !
"Is it him?"
Yan is not the only one who really stands out in the chaotic battlefield. There is also such a woman who has attracted the attention of thousands of people in the other direction. Her veils cover her face but a gorgeous Ziyun shirt sets off a full and sexy body. Although she can’t see her face clearly, she is even a beautiful woman in terms of her female voice and beauty.
But what really attracts people is the way this woman fights. She sits in the same place, stroking her fingers and sitting on the clavichord. With the music fluctuating, the wonderful instrument is released like a killing spell! !
As the piano became more and more fierce, the monsters around it became violent and crazy, and in the end they even killed each other, but the number of deaths was counted in this female body
The second girl stroked the strings, but her eyes were as good as those of the forgotten dust. Compared with the white man’s face, the forgotten dust filled Ziyun shirt woman seemed to recognize the man’s origin and whispered that it was him.
He must have guessed the real identity of this man.
As the fighting intensified, the strong players began to emerge, because they should not only maintain their strength but also qualify for promotion when monsters attacked them madly, and how can everyone’s heart be as soft as before after being rendered by the surrounding environment? At this moment, their hearts are already boiling and they wish they were the king of hegemony! !
The second batch of monsters are also in the offensive of powerful players. In an instant, the whole battlefield seems to be calm again. However, at this time, many people have begun to pay attention to the white swordsman Ziyun shirt, Yan, and of course, many other strong people have attracted attention.
The second batch of monster players were silent, and the soldiers in Sanghai City cheered. Because of this battle, they had almost no loss, but they had enough casting skills behind those adventurers.
In the eyes of people in Sanghai City, this is simply the hope of victory. Even General Tianlong’s heart is full of longing for him, not only for victory, but also for everyone’s life! !
But it’s not a happy time yet. It’s the second batch of monsters and the third batch that really begins to think of here. General Tianlong also dare not relax and hurriedly arrange his troops, but he has arranged his own soldiers behind him.
"Hey forget dust small can you notice? The old man Tianlong has arranged his own people in the back and obviously wants us to be cannon fodder! !” Baifeng sent a team message to Forget Dust.
Forget the dust and look at the bloodshot eyes around. Players can’t help but sneer. "Hehe, even cannon fodder is voluntary. Look at what people around you see. They want to be famous instead of victory! !”
"Here, almost the whole creation continent, the younger generation and all the strong people are equivalent to a microcosm of the world. If you can make a name for yourself here," the words of forgetting the dust have not finished yet, and the moon is faint.
"The next battle will be when the players forget the dust during the performance. Are you interested in one?" Yue Yan obviously noticed that the white swordsman’s cold eyes and cold and handsome appearance are really extraordinary. If all men have nothing to lose, it will arouse a lot of blood! !
Forgotten dust smiled "It’s not the time yet". For Forgotten dust, it’s not the time to compete for hegemony. It’s not the time, and he also feels that he is not enough. Now is not the time! "
"timing?" For them, the sentence of forgetting the dust is somewhat unpredictable.
But Bai Feng stared at Forgetting Dust and squinted to reveal a meaningful smile. Forgetting Dust has no ambition? Of course, it’s impossible. Bai Feng may have thought that he has the ambition to compete for the day, but now the stage is too small! ! !
Years later, when he talked about it, he wanted to say that he didn’t think of forgetting the dust at that time.