"This is what I called the meeting. Mukang County Magistrate, please transfer all the surrounding residents to Dingping Town. These towns are not guarded by tall walls like Dingping Town. If the thief army attacks again, it will be difficult to hold it. And I need to borrow homing pigeons from your county to unify all Xiling towns. Don’t give the thief army a chance to divide and conquer." Mu Qingfeng slowly expressed his plan


"There is no problem for people from surrounding towns to come to me, which not only reduces their chances of being attacked, but also increases the strength of guarding city …" Kang Yue trembles.
"Kang county magistrate has something to say, so I won’t refuse if I can help," Mu Qingfeng said.
"I can make decisions in the surrounding towns, but I can do it in other towns. I’m just an ordinary magistrate. Please tell the world that it’s best to affix the seal of the mausoleum palace so that we can do things." Kang Yue expressed his thoughts. It’s really a mere dingping town magistrate who can’t get the table.
Kang Yue this question let MuQingFeng also directly to froze, he has no way to don’t have their own way? It is estimated that all the people who know their identity in Xiling are staying in this room. Do you want to admire the mountains and promote them from town to town? It is estimated that you are really tired and exhausted.
"Don’t worry about the world, I have a way to write articles in Kangxian County, but it’s good to leave things to me. By the way, the county magistrate also wrote the matter of world identity in the article. Now we Xiling urgently need a backbone." I didn’t think it was Mu Chongshan
"Grand Commander, do you have the seal of Xiling Wangfu?" Muqingfeng asked curiously that he had never seen Mu Chongshan pull out any vouchers for such a long time.
"No, I didn’t, but you did in Shidian." Mu Chongshan’s words made everyone stay on the spot.
Release prisoners
When all eyes were on Mu Qingfeng, he felt a little embarrassed. To be honest, he was a bit of a duck rack. He didn’t remember what Xilin mark he got from Mu Chongshan.
Kang Yue, of course, is convinced of Mu Chongshan’s words. Since he prepared himself to add the text around him, he wrote it soon. Just when Mu Qingfeng and Kang Yue stared at each other, Mu Chongshan went straight over and said to Mu Qingfeng, "Now you can take out your jade tag. The word" war "carved on it is our Xiling Wangfu Wang Yin."
At this time, Mu Qingfeng didn’t know how important this jade brand was. In the eyes of everyone, he took out Yu Pei’s inkpad from his arms and covered it with paper. He went to see the seal of the mausoleum palace. Kang Yue found that the paper mark was exactly the same as what he had seen.
"Now that we have finished the town affairs, we have to talk about one step. It is not a solution for these people to stay here after all. I want to let them go." Mu Qingfeng is amazing. You know, defeating these two thousand people, the county magistrate of Kangyue almost stopped the traitor.
"I said that this can never be done. You know, those people didn’t commit crimes in Dingping Town, but if we let the wild animals go back to the wild, something might happen. We are rich in resources in Dingping Town, and the prisoners can still afford it." Hearing that we want to let these prisoners go back to Kangxian County, the whole body of fat is shaking with excitement.
"The county magistrate doesn’t panic" seems to know that Kang Yue will react like this. Mu Qingfeng explained with a smile, "Even if they haven’t done anything wrong now, it doesn’t mean that we can leave Xiling whenever we want. But if we don’t let them go, how can we find their army gathering place? How can we do some damage to delay their progress?" Mu Qingfeng thought about the countermeasures at the moment he saw that the Nangong was not dead.
"The official is stupid and still looks to the world to dispel doubts." Governing politics is not a problem. In this military aspect, Kang Yue can’t be sure at all
"Nothing profound is that I haven’t set fire for a long time. I feel a little flustered. If you are interested, why don’t you go to the prisoner camp with me?" Mu Qingfeng said
Snow Lotus was angry and hated when she heard the word arson. You know, Muqingfeng’s famous battle was to burn down the grain and grass of the cattle tribe, which led to the failure of the grassland attack. But then again, if it weren’t for that incident, the two of them could not have met, and there was no story behind it.
"I like to set fire. It’s so dark recently that I can’t do anything but sleep. Is it fun tonight?" Three girl * * kite belongs to the kind of watching it, and it’s never too much to clap this hand and say
Let’s ignore this queer little girl, Mu Qingfeng, with Kang county magistrate, went directly to the place where the Nangong was located. Soon they came to the place where the prisoners were taken. It seems that they were really frightened by the dog eggs and Yan Yun. Thousands of people were guarded by more than 200 guards, and they didn’t want to resist.
At this time, the Nangong is reposing. You know, the palm of the three girls is really not light. He heard some noise around him. He opened his eyes and found Muqingfeng looking at himself for disaster relief. So he sat up and said, "How come we have arrived at the temple?" If the time comes, I want to choose a decent way to leave some thoughts for my family. "The Nangong has no intention of begging for mercy."
"General Nangong misunderstood me and said that I wouldn’t kill you before. How could you break your word? I’m going to let you go this time." Muqingfeng’s words made the Nangong get up directly without considering the injury.
"Is this really true?" In the eyes of Nangong, he let himself go after the defeat. Where is such a good thing? But he quickly reacted that Mu Qingfeng said "you" instead of "you"
"What about my soldiers? Since the world is so generous, why don’t you let them go together? " The Nangong knows that this request is a bit excessive, but now he has to make a final effort.
"General, don’t joke. If we just let them go to Xiling, where will this 1,000 people go back at most? The remaining people must pay the price of occupying Xiling for us." Mu Qingfeng’s words make the soldiers around us restless and listen to what he means. Isn’t it that five people can live alone to watch the people who seem to be restless? The guards around us all put their hands on the hilts and want a Mars. It will become a shura hell here.
"Shiho figured out that I had to accept the condition that I was afraid I had no other way out but to return to Nanyue honestly?" The nangongshan wry smile way
"How do you choose? Please decide quickly. If this happens, I’m afraid it’s not up to the general to decide. But I’m very curious about one thing. From the daytime, the general is a soldier-loving leader. Why are you willing to give up your brothers and run for your life alone now?" Muqingfeng asked while watching the nangongshan silent choice.
Soon the Nangong finished counting all the troops, and sure enough, except for their own Qinbing Guard, most of them were captains and centurions, and the Nangong was helpless.
"Because you are worth a price in the news, if the world doesn’t want to execute us on the spot, please let us leave." The Nangong said with a grim face that he chose the former between intelligence and soldiers
Muqingfeng certainly won’t go back on his word and look at the Nangong leaving Dingping Town with his confidant. His face showed a knowing smile and things were half done.
The nangongshan they dare not sit for a moment after leaving Dingping Town. God knows if Muqingfeng will go back on his word. At this time, the news that the young talent of Beiyan Yingwang and Ling Wangshi was defeated by Muqingfeng must be let the general know early.
It’s almost time to calculate. Mu Qingfeng let all the prisoners get together. Perhaps he felt that the end was coming. Many soldiers in Nanyue Wangfu made some resistance, and the result was that they were beaten to death by the surrounding guards. If they didn’t have weapons at hand, they might have fought with the guards by now.
"Be quiet, everyone. I have something to say," Muqingfeng said with a loud voice.
Knowing that this person in front of him can decide his own fate, the prisoners around him have stopped talking. Some people have even sobbed and begged themselves not to be executed in too cruel a way, such as being buried alive.
"You are in Nanyue army, but you have come to our Xiling boundary to burn, kill and plunder. According to our Xiling system, your head should be set up by us as an example." Mu Qingfeng’s words caused quite a stir among the bottom people.
"But I can spare your life for a while because you haven’t made any widespread indignation and discontent." Muqingfeng’s words directly caused an uproar. Where did the prisoners die? I thought that this seemingly cold boy had given himself a chance to live.
"Don’t help you after you escape this time, but in order to prevent you from joining the Nanyue Palace Army again, your armor weapons will not be returned to you and our Xiling border food is not enough to wronged you. I am the most trustworthy person in three days, and I hope you will not ignore Zhixing." After that, Mu Qingfeng left the square with others.
After Mu Qingfeng finished all this, Kang Xian made the game puzzled and asked, "Shidian, how do you know that Nangong will definitely choose to go back by himself instead of living and dying with his soldiers?"
"Nangong is indeed a qualified commander in chief who loves soldiers. These four words are put on him, but it is only because he is a qualified commander in chief that he has to give back the news of my arrival. It is not that I think highly of myself. In Daliangzhou, I made Nanyue Wangfu people suffer a lot." Mu Qingfeng did not give himself a gold medal, but he hated everyone in Nanyue Wangfu.
"When the Nangong chooses to leave by itself, the soldiers must be full of dissatisfaction. When they hear that I let them live, they will be forced to stay in this place. Then it is time for us to fish in troubled waters." Mu Qingfeng said his next plan
"But eldest brother, what if they don’t go home directly according to your plan? After fighting during the day, I don’t know how much fighting spirit they have left to go back to the barracks to continue fighting. How can we know their camp without their guidance?" Dog egg asked this question, which Kang Yue wanted to ask.
"if you haven’t eaten for three days and have no food at all, and then you are in a strange place, where will you go?"
It turns out that Muqingfeng just said to the prisoners that the condition is that this place is hungry and unarmed. Where can the prisoners go except to their own camp? When these prisoners come back to the camp, they feel guilty. How can the Nangong ignore one thousand people and mix a hundred people? It is easy.
Enter Beijing
When we arrived, Muqingfeng took the people to the square, because they hadn’t eaten for three days. Although the prisoners wanted to leave, they were weak and really couldn’t fool people, but Muqingfeng was also ready to let people carry several cauldrons directly. Although there was steaming rice porridge inside, at the very least, they had the strength to leave here, specifically, to return to the barracks from Dingping Town.
"Don’t say anything else. Just leave this place after eating a bowl. Remember that if you commit crimes here again, you won’t have such an opportunity," said Mu Qingfeng, looking at the crowds.
Although the rice porridge tastes a little hot, after two days, the prisoners are still eager to pull into their mouths, even if they are hot and yelling.
Several cauldrons were soon hung clean, and many prisoners licked the porcelain bowls in their hands cleaner than the mirrors. Although they were not full, they thought they were many times better than they had just been. When everyone finished eating, everyone looked at Mu Qingfeng and hoped that he would not break his word and get fat.
Muqingfeng waved his hand and all the guards around him put away their weapons and made way for the road. An older prisoner looked at them and had no intention of starting work, so he immediately ran away. The rest of them followed suit. urala ran away, but because of the difference in physical fitness, some people were injured in the battle. Plus, the officers who could command the army were taken away by the Nangong. Their team was sparse and long, but this is the result of Muqingfeng. Otherwise, how could one of their own people sneak into their camp in chaos?
When everyone left, Muqingfeng also changed his clothes. At that time, he specially kept a lot of Nanyue Wangfu Army. I didn’t expect to send a field to Muqingfeng at this time. I didn’t intend to come to this muddy water with Snow Lotus and three girls, but I saw Muqingfeng’s murderous eyes on the kite and his fiancee, and swallowed it abruptly.
"The world …" Kang county magistrate feels that the daughter body doesn’t sit in the hall. Mu Qingfeng is now the backbone of the whole Beiyan. If anything happens to him, the whole Xiling will be completely finished, even if he defeats one hundred Nangong. In Kang Yue’s view, the smartest way is for Mu Qingfeng to give orders here instead of personally.
"The magistrate adults don’t have to worry about it. I almost occupied my adult department when I was on the battlefield. I know how to take care of myself, and I’m not going to be brave this time. If the plan goes well, I can successfully disrupt the enemy’s deployment. One step is the key." Muqingfeng knew what Kang County had to say and comforted him.
At this point, Kang Yue knew that nothing he said would change Mu Qingfeng’s decision, so he said with a good hand, "The official wished the horse success and beat back Nanyue’s offensive world. Don’t forget to owe me a banquet. I have lost a lot of weight these days."
"Ha, ha, ha, it’s a promise that when I come back, I will give a banquet for you. The magistrate will leave early!" Mu Qingfeng laughed, waved and embarked on a journey with everyone. Although it was cruel to let those Xiling fighters leave their horses, their hearts became hot at the thought of making contributions with the world.
Not long after leaving, a young soldier timidly asked the first fleeing veteran, "Uncle, where are we going?" In recent days, things really scared him. I came to the boundary of Xiling, but I was as reckless as my team said. I almost lost my life when I thought of the first battle. If I hadn’t acted according to circumstances, I’m afraid I would have been cut in two by the soldiers in Dingping Town who were angry.
"Back to the camp to calculate the distance, we will arrive in almost two days. Although we don’t have any dry food now, there will be no problem if we have just made a meal." The veteran’s voice was a little low
"But uncle, we are not promised to ling wang is not fighting? Is this … "The juvenile words were interrupted by the cold eyes of the veterans before they were finished.
"Let’s be smart. We are now in enemy territory. If we have no food and no weapons, do you think they will let us go if we touch the Xiling army? Where can we go without going to the camp? Are you going to walk back to Daliangzhou on foot? " There’s nothing embarrassing about veterans, even if they go back on their word, there’s no psychological pressure. Who makes themselves an important soldier? If you go back to Daying Nangong, you feel guilty and don’t let yourself return to the battlefield. It’s best if he wants them to go back to the battlefield regardless. After all, in this turbulent era, life is worthless, and things are even worse.
When Muqingfeng followed these beaten soldiers, they escorted the Ling King’s prison car to the capital. At that time, Mr. Zhan took this unknown path to avoid the capture of Xiling army, so he didn’t know about the blood affair, but it was a mistake. It was because of their unknown behavior that they returned to the capital. After all, the distance between the capital of Daxia and Daliangzhou was not too far. After all, the old emperor was also owned by the Nangong family. Otherwise, the news of the rebellion of the Nangong Jinyu was known by the surrounding people. It has to be said whether it can be brought back or not.
After so many days of traveling, the king of Ling looked gaunt and gaunt, and his black hair actually appeared a lot of white hair. His hands were once powerful and powerful, and now they are a little skinny. The only constant is that his eyes are in the prison car. But once he opened his eyes and watched around, he felt like he was being resisted by two sharp swords, and he was going to humiliate this arrogant report. Those soldiers gave up this plan after seeing the eyes of Ling Wang, even if they fought first. I don’t want to look at Ling Wang. Of course, Mr. Zhan is not afraid of Ling Wang’s power. I don’t know what it is to see Ling Wang’s clear eyes. Mr. Zhan should feel guilty.
"Report, we haven’t had a chance to let you have a good rest these days. I hope you don’t take it amiss. Just prepare the most comfortable place in the dungeon for the report, and we won’t sleep in the wild tonight." Mr. Zhan hopes to see dissatisfaction from the face of Ling Wang, but Ling Wang’s battle in the corner is like a hard rock, which has never wavered.
Finding that Ling Wang didn’t respond, Mr. Zhan became angry from embarrassment and ordered directly to Zhou Huo, "Put him under good care and don’t have any problems. We still have a long time to get along with the sovereign."
No sooner had I returned to my mansion than I saw a little yellow door rushing in and my father-in-law said in a duck voice, "Sir, I’ve been waiting for you in the palace for a long time."
Yuan Xu still doesn’t know what happened in the summer. It seems strange that everyone looks at their eyes after entering the city. Maybe they are no longer worth it. What earth-shattering events have happened in these days?
When I saw Mr. Zhan, I knew something was wrong. Now, where is the Nangong Jinyu, who just ascended the throne that day? He is now a pair of people who choose people and eat samples. It is simply a stranger. According to the little eunuch who just believed, there are more than a dozen maids and eunuchs who have been killed by the Nangong Jinyu these days.
"I’m lucky that I didn’t fail to accomplish my mission. The king of Xiling, Zhan Yujiang, has been captured by me and is now in prison. Please give me a sign." Mr. Zhan saw that Nangong Jinyu was very distracted and woke up.
Hearing Mr. Zhan’s words, Nangong Jinyu suddenly returned to his own brain. At the very least, what he should do can be discussed with others. Nangong Jinyu picked up the table without saying a word and handed it to Mr. Zhan.
Mr. Zhan didn’t pick it up. It was a cursory glance that made me feel bad. Did the first emperor actually have blood? These people have become out-and-out traitors and thieves. If Nanyue Wangfu is not strong and has been preparing for rebellion for many years, I’m afraid there are many infidelities in Beijing now.
Of course, this kind of news is not a particularly big problem for Mr. Zhan. There is no impenetrable wall. Sooner or later, the crimes committed by Nangong Jinyu regicide will come to light. One day, it is a campaign, and the last news makes Mr. Zhan stupefied.
Mu Qingfeng is the legacy of Jiang Yun, the princess of Ling Wangshi? That teenager who has repeatedly killed himself and wants to kill himself quickly is supposed to help the young master himself? Even if it’s providence, this joke is a little too big, right? But think about it carefully. Muqingfeng’s forehead is really like a princess Jiang Yun.